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Revue de presse
Natural history of KBG syndrome in a large European cohort.
Loberti L, Bruno LP, Granata S, Doddato G, Resciniti S, Fava F, Carullo M, Rahikkala E, Jouret G, Menke LA, Lederer D, Vrielynck P, Ryba L, Brunetti-Pierri N, Lasa-Aranzasti A, Cueto-González AM, Trujillano L, Valenzuela I, Tizzano EF, Spinelli AM, Bruno I, Currò A, Stanzial F, Benedicenti F, Lopergolo D, Santorelli FM, Aristidou C, Tanteles GA, Maystadt I, Tkemaladze T, Reimand T, Lokke H, Õunap K, Haanpää MK, Holubová A, Zoubková V, Schwarz M, Žordania R, Muru K, Roht L, Tihveräinen A, Teek R, Thomson U, Atallah I, Superti-Furga A, Buoni S, Canitano R, Scandurra V, Rossetti A, Grosso S, Battini R, Baldassarri M, Mencarelli MA, Rizzo CL, Bruttini M, Mari F, Ariani F, Renieri A, Pinto AM.Hum Mol Genet. 2022 Dec 16;31(24):4131-4142.
Fierain A, Gaspard N, Lejeune N, El Tahry R, Speybroeck N, Dermauw V, Ferrao Santos S.Clin Neurophysiol. 2022 Apr;136:228-234.
Daoud M, Salvador R, El Youssef N, Fierain A, Garnier E, Biagi MC, Medina Villalon S, Wendling F, Benar C, Ruffini G, Bartolomei F.Clin Neurophysiol. 2022 May;137:142-151.
Carbamazepine efficacy in a severe electro-clinical presentation of SLC13A5-epilepsy.
Santalucia R, Vilain C, Soblet J, De Laet C, Vuckovic A, König J, Aeby A.Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2022 Jul;9(7):1095-1099.
Martens, G.; Khosravi, M.H.; Lejeune, N.; Kaux, J.-F.; Thibaut, A. Gender Specificities in Sleep Disturbances following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Preliminary Study. Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 323.
Magliacano, A., Liuzzi, P., Formisano, R., Grippo, A., Angelakis, E., Thibaut, A., ..., Lejeune,N., ... & Estraneo, A. (2023). Predicting Long-Term Recovery of Consciousness in Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness Based on Coma Recovery Scale-Revised Subscores: Validation of a Machine Learning-Based Prognostic Index. Brain Sciences, 13(1), 51.
Management of Epileptic Seizures in Disorders of Consciousness: An International Survey
M-M. Briand, N. Lejeune, N. Zasler, R. Formisano, O. Bodart, A. Estraneo, W.L. Magee, A. Thibaut
Front. Neurol., 11 January 2022
Paolo Cardone, Arthur Bonhomme, Vincent Bonhomme, Gregory Scott, Naji Alnagger, Nicolas Lejeune, Sebastien Van Goethem, Robin L Carhart-Harris, Steven Laureys, Charlotte Martial, Olivia Gosseries
TSC 2022 - The Science of Consciousness Conference
Leandro Sanz, Nicolas Lejeune, Estelle Bonin, Rajanikant Panda, Arianna Sala, David Dikenstein,
Neal Farber, Aurore Thibaut, Steven Laureys, Olivia Gosseries
2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury
Anna Estraneo, Alfonso Magliacano, Salvatore Fiorenza, Rita Formisano, Antonello Grippo,
Efthymios Angelakis, Helena Cassol, Aurore Thibaut, Olivia Gosseries, Gianfranco Lamberti,
Enrique Noé, Sergio Bagnato, Brian Edlow, Nicolas Lejeune, Vigneswaran Veeramuthu,
Michelangelo Bartolo, Francesco De Bellis, Francesco Catino, Donatella Mattia, Jlenia Toppi,
Nathan Zasler, Caroline Schnakers, Luigi Trojan
Journal of the Neurological Sciences, volume 429, Supplement, 117666, October 01, 2021
Chantal Depondt, Wim Van Paesschen, Kenou van Rijckevorsel, Iryna Leunikava & France Ferrière
Drugs Real World Outcomes 2021 Sep;8(3):407-415.
Adaptive behavior and psychiatric comorbidities in KCNB1 encephalopathy
Claire Bar, Delphine Breuillard, Mathieu Kuchenbuch, Mélanie Jennesson, Gwenaël Le Guyader,
Hervé Isnard, Anne Rolland, Diane Doummar, Joel Fluss, Alexandra Afenjar, Patrick Berquin,
Anne De Saint Martin, Sophie Dupont, Alice Goldenberg, Damien Lederer, Gaétan Lesca,
Hélène Maurey, Pierre Meyer, Cyril Mignot, Anca Nica, Sylvie Odent, Alice Poisson, Emmanuel Scalais, Tayeb Sekhara, Pascal Vrielynck, Giulia Barcia, Rima Nabbout
Epilepsy & Behavior, Volume 126, January 2022, 108471
Iachim E, Vespa S, Baroumand AG, Danthine V, Vrielynck P, de Tourtchaninoff M, Fierain A,
Ribeiro Vaz JG, Raftopoulos C, Ferrao Santos S, van Mierlo P, El Tahry R.
Clinical Neurophysiol. Volume 132, Issue 12, December 2021, Pages 2965-2978
Sanz Leandro R. D.*, Szymkowicz Emilie*, Lejeune Nicolas, Bonin Estelle A.C., Sala Arianna,
Panda Rajanikant, Thibaut Aurore, Dardenne Nadia, Dikenstein David, Van Goethem Sébastien,
Ledoux Didier, Hustinx Roland, Laureys Steven, Gosseries Olivia
Présentation au 25ème Congrès annuel de l’Association pour l’étude scientifique de la conscience, Amsterdam, le 13/07/2022 : N. Lejeune, S. Van Goethem et D. Dikenstein.
Maurer-Karattup, P., Zasler, N., Thibaut, A., Poulsen, I., Lejeune, N., Formisano, R., & Morrissey, A. M. (2022).
Brain Injury, 36(7), 850-859.
Prevalence of sleep disturbances following mild traumatic brain injury : a pilot cross-sectional survey.
Martens, G., Kaux, J., Lejeune, N., Laureys, S., & Thibaut, A. (2022, July).
In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY (Vol. 29, pp. 757-757). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA : WILEY.
Thibaut, A., Martens, G., Estraneo, A., Fiorenza, S., Noe, E., Llorens, R., & Lejeune, N. (2022, July).
In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY (Vol. 29, pp. 122-122). 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA : WILEY.
Ketamine to treat disorders of consciousness : a pilot protocol.
Cardone, P., Bonhomme, A., Bonhomme, V., Staquet, C., Alnagger, N., Ezan, P., Lejeune, N., Van Goethem, S., Laureys, S., Gosseries, O.* , & Martial, C.*. (13 July 2022).
Poster session presented at ASSC25, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Lejeune, N., Petrossova, E., Frahm, K. S., & Mouraux, A. (2022). High-speed heating of the skin using a contact thermode elicits brain responses comparable to CO2-laser-evoked potentials. Clinical Neurophysiology.
Consulter nos guidelines
Practice Guideline Update: Disorders of Consciousness
European Academy of Neurology guideline on the diagnosis of coma and other disorders of consciousness
Recommandations revalidation post-stroke - USA (2019)
Guideline for best practices in rehabilitation of children and youth with acquired brain damage
Minimum Standards for Long-term Video-EEG Monitoring
Epilepsies in children, young people and adults